

Πλαίσιο χρήσης
132148 Τραγούδια, 269842 Ποιήματα, 28913 Μεταφράσεις, 26571 Αφιερώσεις

Away from the lying - 2360 Αναγνώσεις         

Στίχοι: Μάνος Ελευθερίου
Μουσική: Νίκος Λαβράνος
Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Γιώργος Νταλάρας

Θα φύγω ένα πρωί μακριά απ’ τα ψέματα
προτού με κλείσουν πάλι συρματοπλέγματα
θα αφήσω μες το χτες τους καθοδηγητές
σε πεθαμένο κόσμο φονιάδες και ληστές
θα φύγω μην κοιτώ κοπάδια όσους πεινούν
με ταξικές ανάγκες που θα τους τυραννούν

Φίλοι εσείς της ερημιάς δεν είναι κόσμος τούτος για μας
χρόνια το αίμα ενός λαού καθρέφτης είναι τ’ ουρανού

Θα αφήσω ένα πρωί τη διαλεκτική
θα φύγω και θ’ αρχίσω δουλειά και πρακτική
γιατί πολλοί σιωπούν και κείνοι που μιλούν
στην ίδια τους πατρίδα σαν πρόσφυγες ρωτούν
ποιο κόμμα το μπορεί τον ουρανό να πιει
τη θάλασσα να κλείσει στου ανθρώπου την ψυχή

Φίλοι εσείς της ερημιάς δεν είναι κόσμος τούτος για μας
χρόνια το αίμα ενός λαού καθρέφτης είναι τ’ ουρανού

Θα φύγω ένα πρωί να βρω το τέρμα μου
και δόξα άλλου κόσμου να μπει στο αίμα μου
το ρούχο μιας γενιάς το μάυρο ντύθηκα
μα τώρα φεύγω μόνος όπως γεννήθηκα
και φεύγω δυνατός μακριά απ’ τα ψέματα
προτού με κλείσουν πάλι συρματοπλέγματα

Lyrics: Manos Eleftheriou
Music: Nikos Lavranos
First version: Yioryos Dalaras

One morning I will go away, far away from the lying,
before the barbed wire fences close me in again.
I will leave the leaders to yesterday,
to a dead world, murderers and robbers,
I will leave behind in droves all those who hunger
from the needs of their class *, the needs that will go on tormenting them.

You who love the lonely wilderness: this world is not made for us.
For years now the blood of a people has been reflecting the sky like a mirror.

One morning I will leave behind the dialectics,
I will go away and start work, practical work.
Because many keep silent, and those who do speak,
are, in their own homeland, asking like refugees:
which party can do this, can drink up the sky,
can close the sea, in mankind's soul?

You who love the lonely wilderness: this world is not made for us.
For years now the blood of a people has been reflecting the sky like a mirror.

One morning I will go away, go to find my destination,
and the glory of another world will enter my blood.
I had put on the black clothing of my generation,
but now I am going away, alone, as I was born,
and I am leaving, I am strong, far away from the lying,
before the barbed wire fences close me in again.

 * Leaders, class, dialectics: the vocabulary of "class struggle" - Eleftheriou is plunging his knife into the gap between the ideals and the rhetorics of the Left, especially the communists.
* You who love the lonely wilderness: the hermit - from the Greek ερημίτης (erimitis), a person who, for spiritual reasons, chooses to live alone in a wild place (erimia). They were common all over Europe in the Middle-ages. The practice originated in the East and came here by way of Greece. This very personal, individual form of spirituality was not encouraged by organised religion, just because it was not organised. Its positive aspect is the individual's taking their own responsibility for their own soul, its negative aspect is their turning away from the community and their responsibility towards it.
This song is the statement of someone who chooses to go alone, seeking their own personal truth, refusing the ready-made one of a political party.
   Geeske © 22-02-2006 @ 01:17

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