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Don't Step On My Sash - 2375 Αναγνώσεις         

Στίχοι: Δημήτρης Ευσταθίου
Μουσική: Δημήτρης Ευσταθίου
Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Πρόδρομος Τσαουσάκης

Άλλες ερμηνείες:
Δημήτρης Ευσταθίου

Φιρί φιρί το παν’ οι μάγκες
να με κλείσουν ξανά στη φυλακή
μου πατάνε το ζωνάρι
με πειράζουνε πολύ

Δε φοβάμαι σίδερα πάρτετο χαμπάρι
μη μου πατάτε το ζωνάρι

Εγώ κανέναν δεν πειράζω
είμαι απ’ τα πιο δερβίσικα παιδιά
μα οι μάγκες μου κολλάνε
θα με βάλουν σε μπελά

Δε φοβάμαι σίδερα πάρτε το χαμπάρι
μη μου πατάτε το ζωνάρι

Όταν περνάω απ’ την πιάτσα
όλοι με γνωρίζουνε απ’ την καλή
λένε να ο Δημητράκης
το καλύτερο παιδί

Δε φοβάμαι σίδερα πάρτε το χαμπάρι
μη μου πατάτε το ζωνάρι

Lyrics: Dimitris Efstathiou
Music: Dimitris Efstathiou
First version: Prodromos Tsaousakis

Other versions:
Dimitris Efstathiou

Slowly but surely, the dudes are pushing it,
Trying to land me back in lock-up.
They step on my sash,
They test my patience.

I ain't afraid of prison bars, you'd better figure it out...
Don't step on my sash!

I don't bother anyone,
I'm one of the most chilled out dudes around.
But the dudes are testing me,
They're going to land me in trouble.

I ain't afraid of prison bars, you'd better figure it out...
Don't step on my sash!

When I go around the square,
Everyone pays me respect.
They say, "There goes Dimitris,
The coolest kid around."

I ain't afraid of prison bars, you'd better figure it out...
Don't step on my sash!

 Starting in the late 19th century and lasting up to World War I, a subculture emerged in Greece's major cities, comprised of men called "manges." According to the social standards of their time, they were seen as belligerent, drug-using anti-social outsiders.

Part of their typical dress was a long sash around the waist, which they would often let droop on the floor if they were sitting somewhere outside. Unintentionally (or intentionally) stepping on a mangas' sash was considered an affront.

I chose to translate "mangas" as "dude" in the song. The lyric's tone is tongue-in-cheek.

For more info, see here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mangas
   Willensmacht, Sebastian © 14-10-2012 @ 20:13

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