

Πλαίσιο χρήσης
132483 Τραγούδια, 270805 Ποιήματα, 28913 Μεταφράσεις, 26571 Αφιερώσεις

I and you are God - 2417 Αναγνώσεις         

Στίχοι: Ρεβέκκα Ρούσση
Μουσική: Στέφανος Κορκολής
Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Ανδριάνα Μπάμπαλη

Ταξίδι έγινα για σένα
μέσα στον κόσμο σου να μπω.
Πλανήτες φώτισα μαζί σου.
Βοριάς εσύ, νοτιάς εγώ.
Αστέρι έπεσα για λίγο,
στην αγκαλιά σου ο ουρανός.
Ήλιος που καίει η ματιά σου.
Φωτιά εσύ, νερό εγώ.
Γλυκιά στιγμή για μας θα ζει.
Εσύ είσαι εγώ κι εγώ εσύ..

Εγώ κι εσύ θα πει θεός.
Εγώ κι εσύ μαζί θεός.
Κι όταν μ’ αγγίζεις όλα είναι φως.
Εγώ κι εσύ θα πει θεός.

Θύελλες σου `φερα να παίξεις,
τραγούδια να `χεις να γελάς.
Το «σ’ αγαπώ» σου, χίλιες λέξεις.
Μες στη σιωπή μας μου μιλάς.
Γλυκιά στιγμή για μας θα ζει.
Εσύ είσαι εγώ κι εγώ εσύ..

Εγώ κι εσύ θα πει θεός.
Εγώ κι εσύ μαζί θεός.
Κι όταν μ’ αγγίζεις όλα είναι φως.
Εγώ κι εσύ θα πει θεός

Lyrics: Revekka Roussi
Music: Stefanos Korkolis
First version: Andriana Babali

I became a trip for you
to get into your world.
Planets I lighted with you.
North you, west me.
A star I falled for a while,
inside your hug the sky.
A sun that burns your look.
Fire you, water I.
A sweet moment will live for us.
You are me and I am you..

I and you means God.
I and you are God.
And when you tough me everything is light.
I and you are God.

Storms I brought you to play,
songs for you to laugh.
Your «I love you» , thousands of words.
In our silence you talk to me.
A sweet moment will live for us.
You are me and I am you..

I and you means God.
I and you are God.
And when you tough me everything is light.
I and you are God.

   Villy, Villy © 28-03-2006 @ 10:40
   dejavu, Nikos Deja Vu
22-12-2007 03:33
This is much better:

I became a journey for you, to get me into your world.
To planets I gave light with you.
Northwind you are, southwind I am.
Star-me, I fall for a bit, in your arms, the sky.
A burning sun, your look.
You are a fire, I am water.
A sweet moment for us, will be.
You are Me and Me is You...

Me and you it means God.
Me and you together, God.
And when you touch me all becomes a bright light.
Me and you, it means God.

Storms I brought for you to play,
songs for making you to laugh.
Your "I love you's", thousands of words for me.
In our silent hour, you're "speaking" to me.
A sweet moment for us, will be.
You are Me and Me is You...

Me and you it means God.
Me and you together, God.
And when you touch me all becomes a bright light.
Me and you, it means God.
   dejavu, Nikos Deja Vu
22-12-2007 03:07
your translation has many mistakes, correct them cause are out of the subject, except if you are not a Greek, then you could have excuses.

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