

Πλαίσιο χρήσης
131932 Τραγούδια, 269728 Ποιήματα, 28913 Μεταφράσεις, 26571 Αφιερώσεις

Now that you are going away - 2377 Αναγνώσεις         

Στίχοι: Μάνος Ελευθερίου
Μουσική: Σταύρος Κουγιουμτζής
Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Γιώργος Νταλάρας

Άλλες ερμηνείες:
Παντελής Θεοχαρίδης

Τώρα που θα φύγεις
πάρε μαζί σου για φυλαχτό
μυρτιά και πικροδάφνη
και της Φραγκογιαννούς τα πάθη

Και στρώσε τη ζωή σου
μ’ αγρύπνια και μαράζι
για του καιρού τ’ αγιάζι
και για την αμοιβή σου
νερό του παραδείσου θα γινώ

Τώρα που θα φύγεις
πάρε μαζί σου και το Χριστό

Lyrics: Manos Eleftheriou
Music: Stavros Kouyioumtzis
First version: Yioryos Dalaras

Other versions:
Padelis Theoharidis

Now that you are going away
Take with you, as your lucky charm,
Some myrtle and some oleander
And Frangoyannou's suffering.

And live your life
Sleepless and pining.
To consecrate time
and to reward you,
I will become water of Paradise.

Now that you are going away
Take Christ with you, too.

 Translator's notes: "Frangoyannou" is (probably) the heroine of the famous short novel "Η φόνισσα" (the murderess) by Alexandros Papadiamantis, written in 1903. Frangoyannou is an old woman who lives on an isolated Greek island, where the men have mostly emigrated and the women are left to toil, and toil, and toil... Out of despair, and seeing no fate for them better than her own, she starts to murder baby girls - she knows why she does it, and that she must, yet she is unable to escape remorse. It is very much a novel of character, psychology, and landscape, so much so that one might miss its social and moral significance.
(Thanks to gazakas for the literary elucidation)
   Geeske © 08-06-2005 @ 17:59

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