

Πλαίσιο χρήσης
132355 Τραγούδια, 270134 Ποιήματα, 28913 Μεταφράσεις, 26571 Αφιερώσεις

Microcosm - 2587 Αναγνώσεις         

Στίχοι: Ναζίμ Χικμέτ
Μουσική: Θάνος Μικρούτσικος
Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Μαρία Δημητριάδη

Άλλες ερμηνείες:
Υπόγεια Ρεύματα

Και να, τι θέλω τώρα να σας πω
Μες στις Ινδίες, μέσα στην πόλη της Καλκούτας,
φράξαν το δρόμο σ’ έναν άνθρωπο.
Αλυσοδέσαν έναν άνθρωπο `κει που εβάδιζε.
Να το λοιπόν γιατί δεν καταδέχουμαι
να υψώσω το κεφάλι στ’ αστροφώτιστα διαστήματα.
Θα πείτε, τ’ άστρα είναι μακριά
κι η γη μας τόση δα μικρή.

Ε, το λοιπόν, ό,τι και να είναι τ’ άστρα,
εγώ τη γλώσσα μου τους βγάζω.
Για μένα, το λοιπόν, το πιο εκπληκτικό,
πιο επιβλητικό, πιο μυστηριακό και πιο μεγάλο,
είναι ένας άνθρωπος που τον μποδίζουν να βαδίζει,
είναι ένας άνθρωπος που τον αλυσοδένουνε.

Lyrics: Nazim Hikmet
Music: Thanos Mikroutsikos
First version: Maria Dimitriadi

Other versions:
Ypoyia Refmata

And here, this is what I want to tell you now
In India, in the city of Calcutta,
they blocked the road for a human being.
They bound him in chains, there where he was walking.
That is why, then, I don't permit myself to
raise my head to the starlit universes.
You will say, the stars are far away
and out earth is so, so small.

Well, then, whatever they are, the stars
I stick my tongue out at them.
For me, anyway, the most amazing thing,
the most imposing, most mysterious and biggest thing
is a human being whom they obstruct from walking,
is a human being whom they have bound in chains.

 lyrics: Nazim Hikmet
Greek translation: Yiannis Ritsos
music: Thanos Mikroutsikos
vocals: Maria Dimitriadi
   Love Song for Greece, Eva Johanos © 06-08-2014 @ 21:08
24-02-2016 19:48
When the starlight flowing into my eye like a golden drop
Pierced the darkness of space
for the first time
there wasn't one single eye on the earth
looking into the sky
The stars were old, the earth was a child.

The stars are far from us
but so very far
so very far

Our world is small among the stars
but so very small
so very small

And Asia
is one fifth of the world,

And India
is a country in Asia
Calcutta is a city in India
Banerjee is a man in Calcutta

And I am bringing you the news:
In India
In the city of Calcutta
they stopped on his way
A man who was walking
and they chained him.

And I don't bother anymore
to lift my head toward the bright skies.
If the stars are far,
if the earth is small
I don't care at all
I don't mind

I want you to know that I find
more astonishing
more powerful
more mysterious and gigantic
this man
stopped on his way
and chained.

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