

Πλαίσιο χρήσης
132355 Τραγούδια, 270138 Ποιήματα, 28913 Μεταφράσεις, 26571 Αφιερώσεις

In the valley of Tempoi - 2374 Αναγνώσεις         

Στίχοι: Θανάσης Παπακωνσταντίνου
Μουσική: Θανάσης Παπακωνσταντίνου
Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Σωκράτης Μάλαμας

Μες την κοιλα όπως τα λέω μες την κοιλάδα των Τεμπών
Φόβος των μηχανοδηγών
Είναι ένας γέρο όπως τα λέω είναι ένας γέρο πλάτανος
μαγκούφης και παράφορος

Που πίνει από όπως τα λέω που πίνει απ’ το θολό νερό
του ποταμού το ιερό
Πίνει κι απλω, όπως τα λέω, πίνει κι απλώνει ρίζωμα
βαθιά μέσα στα ανείπωτα

Κι όποτε παι όπως τα λέω κι όποτε παίρνει ανάποδες
γέρνει και πέφτει στις γραμμές
Πιάνει το τρε όπως τα λέω πιάνει το τρένο απο τ’ αυτί
«Μην την περνάς τη Γευγελή»

Μένα μου το, όπως τα λέω, μένα μου το `πε ο Πηνειός
το μυστικό ο φλύαρος
Πως ήταν α όπως τα λέω πως ήταν άνθρωπος παλιά
κι είχε παιδιά στην ξενιτιά

Lyrics: Thanasis Papakonstadinou
Music: Thanasis Papakonstadinou
First version: Sokratis Malamas

In the va - as I am saying - in the valley of Tempoi
- truck drivers' terror -
There is an old - as I am saying - there is an old plane tree
solitary and violent

Who drinks from - as I am saying - who drinks from the troubled water
from the river's holy water
He drinks and spreads - as I am saying - he drinks and spreads his roots
deeps down where words don't reach

And whenever - as I am saying - and whenever the bad mood takes him
he bends and drops down onto the rails
He grabs the - as I am saying - he grabs the train by the ear
«Do not go past Yevgeli»

I was told - as I am saying - I was told by the Pineios
by talkative Pineios, what his secret is
that he once was - as I am saying - that he once was a human being
and had children who had emigrated.

 Translator's notes: In the short English notes in the cd-booklet, the tree is called a maple tree, but "platanos" really is the plane tree, and Northern Greece is definitely its home country; in the deep mountain valleys with running water, they grow to astounding size and age, and preternatural beauty. The "valley of Tempoi" is the passage, like a knife-cut through the mountains, where the Pineios river snakes its way from Thessalia to the sea, with Kissavos on one side and Olympos on the other towering two and half kilometres into the sky; the road ("truck drivers' terror") and the railway between Thessaloniki and Athens both have to squeeze through this defile. Yevgeli is the first station across the border on the Thessaloniki-Belgrado railway. The repetition of «όπως τα λέω» ("as I am saying") is a trick from folk song, where the words are used for rhythm not meaning.
   Geeske © 26-02-2007 @ 12:44
24-05-2017 15:06
The "truck drivers" should be "engine drivers". The sing clearly refers to the trains carrying Greek immigrants to Europe and not the general traffic going through the Tempi valley.

Also, the phrase "as I am saying" is not used just for rhythm but it gives emphasis to the supernatural story which should be unbelievable, but the listener is urged to believe that things happened as the narrator says.

Finally, I think the last verse should be "and his children left for the foreign lands". Truth is that the word "ξενιτιά" is not completely conveyed with any English word.
06-03-2011 15:18
nomizw oti einai "opws s'ta lew"

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