

Πλαίσιο χρήσης
132355 Τραγούδια, 270134 Ποιήματα, 28913 Μεταφράσεις, 26571 Αφιερώσεις

To Samos - 2415 Αναγνώσεις         

Στίχοι: Ανδρέας Κάλβος
Μουσική: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης
Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Μαρία Φαραντούρη

Άλλες ερμηνείες:
Μιλτιάδης Πασχαλίδης

Όσοι το χάλκαιον χέρι
βαρύ φόβου αισθάνονται,
ζυγόν δουλείας ας έχωσι
θέλει αρετή και τόλμην
η ελευθερία.

Αυτή (και ο μύθος κρύπτει νουν αληθείας)
επτέρωσε τον Ίκαρον
και αν έπεσεν
ο πτερωθείς κι επνίγει

Αφ’υψηλά όμως έπεσε,
και απέθανεν ελεύθερος.

Αν γένεις σφ'άγιον άτιμον
ενός τυράννου,
νόμιζε φρικτόν τον τάφον

Lyrics: Andreas Kalvos
Music: Mikis Theodorakis
First version: Maria Faradouri

Other versions:
Miltiadis Pashalidis

Let those who feel
heavy the cupreous hand of fear
be under slavery;
freedom needs
virtue and mettle.

It (and the myth conceals mind of truth)
gave winds to Ikaros
and even if he fell,
the one who had winds and drowned,
by sinking beneath the sea,

but he fell from high
and died as a free man.

If you become a dishonorable fatling
of an oppressor,
consider as horrible the grave.

 Ikaros = mythological person. While flying to freedom alongside his father, Daedalus, with wings made out of wax, contrary to the orders he had been given before, he ascended to a high altitude, approached the sun, his wings then melted down and he himself fell on the sea and drowned.
   nafpaktiakos © 21-05-2007 @ 02:21
19-01-2014 17:41
"the one who had winds and drowned"

Ikaros, of course, had wings, not winds. It' s right on the note.

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