

Πλαίσιο χρήσης
132355 Τραγούδια, 270139 Ποιήματα, 28913 Μεταφράσεις, 26571 Αφιερώσεις

Early - 2395 Αναγνώσεις         

Στίχοι: Δημήτρης Μεντζέλος
Μουσική: Λουκιανός Κηλαηδόνης
Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Λουκιανός Κηλαηδόνης & Ημισκούμπρια

Πότε πήγε 7; Πρέπει να σηκωθώ...
Τσίμπλα είναι αυτό ή ξέχασα πάλι το φακό;
Έ, ρε γαμώτο, πάλι για δουλειά;
Να μη μπορώ να κοιμηθώ μέχρι τις 9!
Γυναίκα, καφέ! Ίσα που προλαβαίνω...
Γραβάτα στη τσέπη και τη σκάλα κατεβαίνω...
Πάρε μπρος αναθεματισμένο!
Φτου σου! Πάλι θα `ναι κανά μπουζί καμμένο.
Πώπω νύστα! Είμαι σαν κοτόπουλο...
Τι ήθελα ως αργά τον Τριανταφυλλόπουλο;
Πού πας, ρε καραγκιόζη, να πούμε, από δεξιά;!
Γεμίσαμε με άσχετους, γυναίκες και ταξιά!
Τι ώρα πήγε; Εφτάμιση... άργησα λιγάκι...
Ναι, πες στο προϊστάμενο, φίσκα η Κατεχάκη!
Θα ακούσω λίγο ράδιο όσο πίζω στο τιμόνι,
θα πιάσω κα(νέ)νά φράγκο και θα πάρω κα(νέ)νά Sony.
Νέοι φόροι;!
Ρε, η πείνα μας έχει πια θερίσει!
Εγώ φταίω που σας ψήφισα, ας μη μ’ είχατε διορίσει!
Πού πας με την νταλίκα μες στην Ιπποκράτους;!
Α, δε φταίτε εσείς, οι νόμοι αυτού του κράτους!
Πού να παρκάρω τώρα; Μα, κοίτα τον γελοίο:
παρκάρισε το Personal σε χώρο γι’ άλλα δύο!
Κάτσε τώρα γρήγορα να χτυπήσω κάρτα...
Τι ήρθα στην Αθήνα και άφησα την Άρτα;!

Αν κοιμηθώ νωρίς, θα σηκωθώ νωρίς
θα ξεκινήσω νωρίς και θα παρκάρω νωρίς
Αν κοιμηθώ αργά, θα σηκωθώ αργά
κι όταν θα ψάχνω για θέση, θα ‘ν’ αργά!

Πήγε εφτάμιση δεν προλαβαίνω, αμάν!
Το κωλοξυπνητήρι... κι είν’ κι απ’ την Ταϊβάν!
Άσε, μάνα, τον καφέ, θα πιω στο μαγαζί.
Αν αργήσω, θα με σκίσει ο εργοδότης ο ναζί.
Κλείνουνε τα μάτια μου, πού είν’ το λεωφορείο;
Χθες πάλι ξενύχτησα στο Φιλάθλων Καφενείο
Σταμάτα, οδηγέ! Τι πάει να πει το επόμενο;!
Από ‘μένα ζείτε, ρε, τον απλό τον εργαζόμενο!
Αν δεν πληρώσω για ταξί, πάλι θα είμαι ο φταίχτης
και αν μ’ απολύσει ο γέρος, θα γενώ (γίνω) ρακοσυλλέκτης.
Να τ’ άλλο λεωφορείο! Τώρα θα σταματήσεις;
Σιγά, κυρία μου, θ’ ανέβεις! Κάτσε! Θα με πατήσεις!
Έ ρε, μασχαλίλα... καλοκαίρι και χειμώνα,
καλά, δεν τους μίλησε κανείς για το Rexona;
Ωχ, η πορεία μας έλειπε... αύριο θα φτάσω πάλι.
Πώς να σου χτυπήσω το εισιτήριο; Με το κεφάλι;!
Άργησα μια ώρα και τώρα ποιος με σώνει;!
Θ’ ακούσω πάλι τις φωνές του ‘ξηνταβελόνη...
Άργησα κι αν με βρίσετε δε σας αδικώ.
Μάλιστα, είμαι βλάκας... ό,τι πεις, αφεντικό...
Τρέχω εφορία για το χαρτόσημό σας,
μετά για παϊδάκια για το κοπρόσκυλό σας.
Κι όλα αυτά για εκατό ψωροχιλιάδες!
...να τραβάω αυτό το λούκι!
Με φώναξε κανείς;

Αν κοιμηθώ νωρίς, θα σηκωθώ νωρίς
θα ξεκινήσω νωρίς και θα παρκάρω νωρίς.
Αν κοιμηθώ αργά, θα σηκωθώ αργά
κι όταν θα ψάχνω για θέση, θα ‘ν’ αργά!

Lyrics: Dimitris Medzelos
Music: Loukianos Kilaidonis
First version: Loukianos Kilaidonis & Imiskoubria

When it went 7 o’ clock, I have to wake up
Eye mucus is that or I forgot again the contact lens
Damned again in the work (1*)
I cannot sleep till 9 o’ clock
Wife coffee, I barely catch up
Tie in the pocket and I go down the stairs
Start up damned thing (2*)
Spit on you again a spark-plug will be burnt
Popo sleepiness, I’m like chicken (3*)
What I wanted till late, Triantafillopoulos (4*)
Where are you going punch, to say (5*), from the right (6*)
We are full of irrelevant, women and taxies (7*)
What time is it?, 7.30 I’m little bit late, yes
Tell to the boss that Katehaki (8*) is chock-full
I’ll listen radio a bit behind the wheel
I’ll get some money and I’ll buy a Sony
New taxes…
The hunger has reaped us (9*)
It’s my fault that I voted for you, cause you had appointed me
Where are you going with the trailer in Ippokratous (10*)
But it’s not your fault, the laws of this state (11*)
Where can I park now, but look the ridiculous
He parked the Personal in a space for other two (12*)
Wait now to hit the card quickly (13*)
What I came to Athens and I left Arta (14*)

I’ll sleep early, I’ll wake up early
I’ll begin early and I’ll park early
I’ll sleep late, I’ll wake up late
And when I’ll look for parking it would be late (x2)

It went 7.30, I don’t catch up, Gosh
The damned alarm clock came out from Taiwan
Leave mum the coffee, I’ll drink in the shop
If I’m late, the Nazi boss will tear me (15*)
My eyes are closing, where is the bus
I stayed up late at night yesterday in the “Café of sports fans” (16*)
Stop driver (17*), what do you mean with the next
From me you live, the simple working man
If I won’t pay for taxi, the culprit will be me again
And if the old man (18*) fire me, I’ll become ragman
Here it is the other bus, you’ll stop now?
Wait my lady you’ll go up, wai-wait you’ll step me
Damned smell of armpit summer and winter
Nobody has talked to them for Rexona? (19*)
Oh, the tax-office was missing, I’ll arrive tomorrow again
How can I hit the ticket (20*), with the head (21*)
I was late about an hour and now who can save me
I’ll hear again the voices of the miser (22*)
I’m late and if you swear me, I won’t say that you’re unfair
Yes I’m stupid, whatever you say boss
I run to tax-office for your stamp
After for cutlets for your cur
And all these only for 100 thousands (23*)
To be in this situation?
Anyone called me???

I’ll sleep early, I’ll wake up early
I’ll begin early and I’ll park early
I’ll sleep late, I’ll wake up late
And when I’ll look for parking it would be late (x2)

I’ll sleep early, I’ll wake up early
I’ll begin early and I’ll park early
I’ll sleep late, I’ll wake up late
And when I’ll look for parking it would be late (x2)

 (01*) Means that he has to go to the work again.
(02*) The car doesn’t start up, so he swears it.
(03*) We say that someone is like chicken when he’s little bit dizzy and especially when someone wakes up, cause he’s feeling sleepy.
(04*) Makis Triantafillopoulos is a journalist. He has a show in the television and this show is always late at night (after 00.00 in the midnight). In his show he reveals some frauds, briberies and for this he has received many threats for his life.
(05*) “Na poume” (=to say), it’s a people’s phrase. It doesn’t need to have sense or to have a meaning in the sentence. You can stick it wherever you want. We use it only in oral speech and it’s some kind of slang. Some others don’t pronounce “p” and they just say “na oume”.
(06*) He swears someone cause he came out from the right side without checking if another car is coming.
(07*) In Greece they all accuse women and taxi-drivers that they cannot drive. For the taxi-drivers is right cause in my opinion they are the worse drivers, but I think that women are more careful that the men when they are driving. But unfortunately this belief exists in Greece.
(08*) Katehaki is a road (in fact I think that is an avenue) in Athens and it means that in Katehaki there is a lot of traffic.
(09*) We usually use this phrase “I peina mas ehi therisi” (=the hunger has reaped us) when we want to say there is a lot of hunger.
(10*) Ippokaratous is a road too like Katehaki.
(11*) It’s very common here to accuse the laws of our country. In fact, I think too that our laws suck…
(12*) As I can understand, someone has parked his car in a space that normally can fit two cars.
(13*) Someone “hits the card” when he goes to work in order to be visible when he arrived at work and when he will leave. Well, I think that nowadays they rarely hit card. Maybe only in factories they have this system yet.
(14*) He regrets that he had left from Arta (a city in Epirus of west Greece) and he went down to Athens.
(15*) We normally call someone Nazi when he always shouts and he’s strict.
(16*) There are some cafeterias which has the name “Filathlon Kafenio” (=Café of sports fans) and they apparently talk about sports.
(17*) Probably, the bus has just started and he says to the bus-driver to stop. But the bus-driver apparently says to him that he won’t stop and he has to wait for the next bus…
(18*) With the old man means his boss.
(19*) He’s complaining cause the bus cause of the crowd smells like armpit. So he says that none knows about Rexona which is a deodorant.
(20*) With “hit the ticket” we mean to cancel it.
(21*) He haven’t cancelled it cause of the crowd in the bus and he is asking to the ticket inspector that how can he cancel it, with his head?
(22*) Another “decorative” for his boss, miser…
(23*) He is referring to his salary. As you can see the song is little bit old, when we had in Greece drachmas (before euro). 100.000 drachmas are about 300 euros.
   maria_gr © 07-08-2007 @ 23:42
   Παντάξενος, ο αποτέτοιος
31-03-2010 09:51
Hahah...ayta ta hip hop kommatia xreiazontai 500 epe3hghseis otan einai na ta metafraseis...:D Poly kalh metafrash pantws k 8eiko song ^_^

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