An acre of land
Στίχοι: Άγνωστος
Μουσική: Άγνωστος
1η ερμηνεία:

My father left me an acre of land
Sing ivy, sing ivy
My father left me an acre of land
Sing holly, go whistle and ivy

I plowed it with a rams horn
Sing ivy, sing ivy
And sowed it all over with one peppercorn
Sing holly, go whistle and ivy

Sing holly, go whistle and ivy
Sing holly, go whistle and ivy
Sing ivy

I sent it home in a walnut shell
Sing ivy, sing ivy
And thrashed it with a goose's quill
Sing holly, go whistle and ivy

Sing holly, go whistle and ivy
Sing holly, go whistle and ivy
Sing holly, go whistle and ivy
Sing holly, go whistle and ivy
Sing ivy

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