Give me hope
Στίχοι: Άγνωστος
Μουσική: Άγνωστος
1η ερμηνεία:

At night
I saw it in a vision
And I said alright
A sign
To give this world a change
To stay alive

Please help me
I’m a sinner
But I can buy
Some more time
A killer searching
For forgiveness
The sword of justice
For your enemies

Why can I believe you
I don’t know
Give me hope

This man
Has taken all these junkies
By his side
For ever
The whores he love so much
And it his pride

Please help me
I’m a sinner
But I can buy
Some more time
A killer searching
For forgiveness
The sword of justice
For your enemies

Why can I believe you
I don’t know
Give me hope

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