A Valse of True Romance
Στίχοι: Άγνωστος
Μουσική: Λόλεκ
1η ερμηνεία:
I have been searching for a true romance
Pure so pure, pure and white like
an avalanche
I'll try to find a hill that tears the skies
And roll it down,
to become so big
And then reach the sea that's blue and black and green
And then sail away my love
I have been searching for a
true romance
Hot so hot as the fire that moves the zeppelins
And we will
travel the blue skies
That never been so blue
We'll try to find the end of
the skies that never end
We'll travel along until the fire will stay strong
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function themefooter() in /home/stixoi/public_html/core.php:211
Stack trace:
#0 /home/stixoi/public_html/gr/Lyrics/index.php(658): Foot()
#1 /home/stixoi/public_html/gr/Lyrics/index.php(1371): mob_details('126694')
#2 /home/stixoi/public_html/stixoi.php(22): include('/home/stixoi/pu...')
#3 {main}
thrown in /home/stixoi/public_html/core.php on line 211