My soul is back
Στίχοι: Monsieur Minimal
Μουσική: Monsieur Minimal
1η ερμηνεία:
Life is a journey, full of ups and downs
but I 've learned to dance with the rhythm
the rhythm of life
I'm standing tall now
with my head held high
so, I 've got to do it and I have to make it anyway.
My soul is back, my heart is whole
I ‘ll never give up again
I ‘ll make it to the end,
struggling to find my way.
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function themefooter() in /home/stixoi/public_html/core.php:211
Stack trace:
#0 /home/stixoi/public_html/gr/Lyrics/index.php(658): Foot()
#1 /home/stixoi/public_html/gr/Lyrics/index.php(1371): mob_details('133981')
#2 /home/stixoi/public_html/stixoi.php(22): include('/home/stixoi/pu...')
#3 {main}
thrown in /home/stixoi/public_html/core.php on line 211