My little godsister

Δημιουργός: Tdemetriades, Θεόδωρος

Αχ αυτή η Αναστασία με έχει τρελάνει( με την καλή έννοια!). Ούτε καν κόρη μου να ήταν. Αυτή ήταν ο λόγος που άρχισα να γράφω ποιήματα

Εκτύπωση από:

Little girl with those magical eyes
Has many beautiful prizes
She is only a cute 1-year-old
But drives crazy the forty-year-olds

Anastasia, our little cute doll
You are my all
Being with you is something magical
My eternal love for you is pathological

Little girl that wants her milk
Has a voice made of silk
Has a face made of sweet
God I have many heart-beats

Little girl dancing beautifully-Moments that you laugh
Little girl fighting with her brother-Anastasia don’t be tough
A moment with her can make you feel a happy person in this world
Holding her on your arms is like you are all your life in dream-world

Δημοσίευση στο 27-04-2009