Everything has gone

Δημιουργός: posomalakaseimai

sas aresei??einai tragoudaki t opoio 8a paiksw me t group m ;)

Εκτύπωση από: http://www.stixoi.info

(Everything has gone
Everything has gone
so the world
doesnt excist anymore....(x2)

Years and years i've been waiting
but nothing but nothing
is right
rubish and rubish
all over
and nothing is cool anymore

The weather suddenly changed
Now it's very hot
Why?Did we do nothing?
Now everything has changed...
so the world
doesnt excist any more...(x2)

The sky isnt blue anymore
and everything is black
So I just say
Everything has gone
Everything has gone
Everything hasnt its colour
all the world is crying

Buildings and buildings
all over
noone and nothing
is happy
we are trying our best
but nothing is happening

i cant believe anymore
and noone and noone
will forgive noone
so the world
doesnt excist anymore...(x2)
-Everything has gone
Everything has gone
Everything has gone
so the world
doesnt excist anymore....-(x4)

Δημοσίευση στο stixoi.info: 17-06-2009