Runaway, hidden, confusing feelings

Δημιουργός: Tdemetriades, Θεόδωρος

Τελευταίως έχω ένα παράξενο συναίσθημα πως ένα άτομο που αγαπώ πολύ, χωρίς να ξέρω καν ποιο, θα απομακρυνθεί σιγά-σιγά από την ζωή μου..Δεν είναι όμως μόνο αυτό..

Εκτύπωση από:

Day by day
I lack the power of love
The strength to even move
I don't know where to even start with my feelings
Shall I be happy because I have 6, maybe more, friends who love me?
Shall I be sad because I'm still way out of luck?
Shall I be afraid of losing a person that I love the most?
Well when I think about the last one
Suddenly shadows are hanging over me
Clouds are happy to make their appearance
And hide the light once again from me
The light of the sun
This powerful light that gave me moments that can be numered on the hand
Those clouds..
Oh god they are trying to create a sentence for me
More like a death sentence..
Trying to show that someone special from my life
Is going away from me
Far away
Where my heart can't even feel that person
Where my lonely mind
Can't even remember the happy moments
So far away from the dawn of happiness
I don't have the strength to walk this road
I lack the strength to even move
Day by day
I don't even know what I feel
So confused
Afraid to look up in the sky
Afraid to see those clouds
Always look down
In the black hole
I can find a lot of myself here
Everything black
Everything, nothing
Just a black thing representing my whole life
That I'm bored of..

Δημοσίευση στο 26-07-2009