The Groove

Δημιουργός: EleutheriaPL, Elżbieta Flisak

Εκτύπωση από:

I follow

Traversing the ice rink
Traversing the icy reason

Cutting clean the right from the left
Cutting clean the right from the wrong

Occasionally bowing to the side
Occasionally bowing to the might

While those foreign evil soft-hard skate-boots
Gnaw grooves on my feet

I follow

Lurching hurling churning burning
Defying denying complying and crying

Against the rigidity of the ice
Against the rigidity of the eyes

The truth lies deep behind those eyes
The truth lies

The truth is that the blade can move only forward or back
And while I strain myself to follow its simplified one-dimensional reality
It hurts

For my body would fain glide on a two-dimensional plane
My thoughts would rather float in a three-dimensional space
And my imagination had better spawn infinite dimensions

For I know it I know I do know it
The precious perishable real life the dearest sweetest life
Is beyond that forward-and-back line furrowed in the soft-hard ice-sheet
It is irrevocably passed by - yet so close to our groove that it strokes our frozen cheeks

He would say (if he did)

"Put the skate askance
Do it just once
And you fall

Behold the sneaking ulterior curvature
Under the ball of your foot

Comprehend the subtle secret interplay
Between the interior and the exterior sides

These are the ones
That contrive to send you reeling against the barrier

Unless you are careful
Unless you do care

Against them
You have only yourself

Your interminable endeavour
For the elusive balance of your body gone stranger

Your never-ending exertion
For the diverted alertness of your mind fallen behind

Lean well forward
Bend your knees - always
Let it be your attitude from now on

Follow the doom - their standard
Which has never been yours
Which will never be attained
Make endless concessions
Lose without any attempt
To fight or to negotiate -

I follow

He owns it all
He owns that it is all against our nature

Yet still - the juvenile frowning charcoal wings
Cast a shade over the will prematurely gone grey

His placid gaze
His tacit phrase

Each utterance measured off by the same prudence tool
That measures off each mohawk and each choctaw

And his truth that lies

All he chooses to utter
All he chooses to omit to utter
All he chooses to alter

Boils down to this -

"Put the skate askance
And you fall
At once"

Δημοσίευση στο 11-09-2009