A deep desire

Δημιουργός: Grimmjow

psiloerwtiko ala ok:)vasika itan dio arxika alla t enosa...:P

Εκτύπωση από: http://www.stixoi.info

only one thing i wanted here i wanted you to be near...
i wanted a kiss a hug something warm but in the end i got none....they keep telling me my life will bloom but why i can only feel is gloom???
the reality doesnt seem to me so kind....i dont like anything but i dont mind...the sky seems so clear i wish you would appear...
somewhere where reality isnt in bind where you can always be mine...am i selfish??? maybe who knows but your voice in my ears echoes...
i maybe a mad man i may just have gone paranoid but i dont know why i feel this void...please help me show me that u care..to ask u so i wouldnt dare...
i look outside the window a desperate hope to see something..even i dont know...
i try t o accommplish things...but i constantly fail... maybe im not destined for this...
maybe im just a loser...but i wish i had a person to care about...someone that can understand my feelings,,someone that can feel the same...it seems like a joke..
but i hope ill be the one to laugh....

Δημοσίευση στο stixoi.info: 09-10-2009