Broken angle

Δημιουργός: Grimmjow

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Nobody is close....nobody loves you...nobody can....the only one capable of loving you is yourself...
everything else is a lie and a denial of the truth which seems so cruel...
it penetrates my heart and my causes me pain...a lot of pain...
but i want this pain...i may be a preverse...but the same time i want him...i wish i would never have to feel it...
but i cant this is the real thing...i dislike it but have to accept it and become stronger...i have to like get used to this too... i dont sounds immature but its the only thing i can say wth some certainty....i think....never mind...leave it like minds ok...but leave the end i dont care...
i started looking everybody as an enemy...they have no feelings for least for me...
i see them from distance i have to but it hurts me...ill be cold, i have too...otherwise i cant live on...
i know that sometimes everything seems different but these are temporary illusions and this is what really makes me wanna cry...scream from the most deep parts of my entire existence...
they are there to give us a glimmer of light and later on demolish us....
if only they didnt exist......but that wouldnt make things better doesnt have an end...
our entire being will always be haunted and grounded by these....i hate it...but they are there...
guess will have to keep on without giving any consideraton to anything around us...
that would be uneasy, but the only solution...
that is also something distressing to hear...

Δημοσίευση στο 16-10-2009