Fragment of one's existence

Δημιουργός: Grimmjow


Εκτύπωση από:

Me...always undecided....anaware which path to choose...
always in the middle...always unclear things and situations...but thats me...
i have been the most like this in my entire life...
this is my luck...this was the way it was decided everyones else...
this gives me the sense of inferiority...something unique i think in my case..
always wanting being in the centre...being impossible for me,i think,maybe im right...
always afraid of something...something only i knew and was afraid of facing it,see it,wake to it,realise it...
like an enternal scar burning me constantly in these kind of situations... dragging me back behind...
i call it....i cant name it...not yet...i may know it..probably but i just cant...i cant...the truth is i dont want to....
i want and i can....i dont know ..
i am soring...maybe no...ahh...
its too heavy to say even if i know i must face it right now...
but maybe all this im writing is just waste...
my existence is trivial...cant change a thing everybodys...
but more insignificant...i should stop this...nothing will come out of this deep confession ...
Besides it gives me the willies...still this is an arrogant reason to back out..
.yet keep on this will only make me trample without much gratification...

Δημοσίευση στο 17-10-2009