cocaine princess

Δημιουργός: pestis_cruento, annaliza

Εκτύπωση από:

Open up your wings
Pretty angel of hell
I’m the one who sings
And who rings the bell
Fly my cocaine princess
Leave your pain behind
Great will be the distance
But there peace you’ll find

Take off your high heels
You won’t need to walk
Cause an angel only feels
You won’t have to talk
Take your final breath
Touch for last the dust
Live your own death
Prey for all your lust

Rest your soul upon the stars
Make love with ancient spirits
Wipe the blood from your old scars
Sing your own lyrics
Climb the mountains of the moon
Seek and hide play in the clouds
I may found you up there soon
In spiritual crowds

Open up your wings
Follow the bright light
I’m the one who drinks
Who admires your fight
Fly up to the heavens
No pain there exists
Neither do black ravens
Nor drugs’ exorcists

Little cocaine princess
With your soft white skin
And your red lips speechless
You are still unique
I will light a candle
Every night and day
But I’ll never handle
That you’re far away

Δημοσίευση στο 04-12-2009