
Δημιουργός: dragonmaster

Εκτύπωση από:

just let me be alone
i dont need anything anymore
my world became dark
and cold is within my heart
just let me in the shadows
a forgotten king
a lost soul that once stood
beyond the dreams of the world
now forsaken away
home is only a grasp away
but no fire to set camp

a dream within has been lost
all purposes avenged
i am the last remnant of a world
the black king in a chees
and there is only epilogue to be told
the world has changed and i am alone
and the game will end

just let me be in peace
the last wish of a man
a dream to hold
rays of sun
but i am tired of all
the wounds cannot heal
i think i ve lost so many battles
i think i will stand

just let me be in peace again
the flame burns so far away
a mirror shows that i ve changed
but i still be a lonely one
so let me rest in peace
nothing to upset my consciousness
as i leave in solitude far away

Δημοσίευση στο 30-12-2009