It's you

Δημιουργός: Tdemetriades, Θεόδωρος

Love yourself, ignore pain, never expect anything from others because your life is yours. You must learn to trust yourself.

Εκτύπωση από:

Life is never gonna help you
You have to help out yourself
Life will always be there
But it will always drown you into sorrows
It will always be a pain for you
And then you come to the point where
You need someone to drag you out
Someone you're gonna love
Someone to speak to you when you need it
That's not a bad thing
But you make it bad when you think that
Your life depends on other people
And you think that other people
Will save you from falling
They will give you their hand that's true
But you have to put your own best efforts
To climb back and enjoy life
It's your life
Whether you like it or not
You will have to make your own decisions
Others will be there to help you
But they will not make a decision for you
You must learn to love
To trust
And to depend on just yourself
And then you're ready to endure life's hits
Your life is yours
Do what you want but never let anyone be the king of your life
You be the king, believe in yourself
And the sun will shine for you

Δημοσίευση στο 17-02-2010