At Last (deposition From The Cross)

Δημιουργός: ΥΓΡΟ ΠΥΡ

Εδώ στα Ξένα που βρέθηκα...μήπως και κάνω ...διεθνή καριέρα!!!!

Εκτύπωση από:

Inside his veins frozen night flows
He’s promised not to complain but he fails
Another dose, father, before the end
To find courage enough to stand the nails

Like some fish, throbbing out of water
He looks for shelter away from Law and Fate
In a blind alley, beside the rubbish bins
With the needle he takes a glimpse of Heaven’s Gate

All of a sudden he was wrapped by a cloud of blessing
It was as if the whole world treated him fair
Sweet Holy Mother of the Poems and the Songs
With a warm comb, she straightens his hair

That’s what he’d dreaming desperately for a lifetime
A quiet place somewhere in God’s Ark
With breaks of dreams in an endless nightmare
Was addicted to hide-and-seek with the dark

The dawn came, but the freezing doesn’t return
He might have stopped to be an outcast
When he thinks of the glass he has to drink
Make it, Father, to be quite empty, at last

And right there, among flowers and caresses
While the girls depose him from Cross to Heaven
He smiles peacefully because him at last
Found the dose that lasts and lasts forever

Δημοσίευση στο 05-03-2010