Flying Love

Δημιουργός: Tdemetriades, Θεόδωρος

Ένα ποίημα το οποίο το έβαλα σε ένα διαγωνισμό σε μια άλλη ιστοσελίδα. Πείτε μου να δούμε αν αξίζει!!

Εκτύπωση από:

I never thought I would have a better tomorrow
But you entered my life and washed away the dirt of sorrow
Your love cured the pain in my heart
You opened a window and showed me some light
As you opened the window an eagle came
It took my love really high, up in the sky
So it can shout to you from there "I love you"
As it says "I love you"
It pulls the brightest star
And inserts it in your heart
In a place where I can live forever
Without needing to ask questions
As the questions have all been answered
When I saw those lucent eyes
That made me a happy human being
My love for you is like the roses
It always keeps its beauty
My love for you is like a dove
It always sends beautiful messages
My love for you is larger than the distance between ground and sky
And it's getting larger day by day

Δημοσίευση στο 04-06-2010