Santa Stole Our Presents

Δημιουργός: darkdemongr, Παναγιωτης Καρανατσης

Εκτύπωση από:

Winter has come
Sun begone
Late the dawn
Don't bring the kids down
Snow is here
After a year
Bells ring in my ear
Santa must be near

I see a deer
It looks like santa's gear
He drank my dad's beer
Sshh..something i hear
Sector is clear
Let's get us out of here

He stole my gift
Please be shift
We gotta get him
Hurry up Jim !

F*ck he's gone
But something looks wrong
He left behind a fawn
Let's ride it all along..
Santa stole our presents..Tonight

Δημοσίευση στο 12-12-2010