Holy night

Δημιουργός: πρωτογονος ναυαγος, Πανος

Εκτύπωση από: http://www.stixoi.info

It‘s a night

another freezing night in my heart

I feel my brain burning

and I’m looking for something,

something that can make my collapse to stop

It’s a vacuum

another big vacuum in my thought

I have nobody to talk

and suddenly no courage to walk,

but I’m trying,

I am trying to communicate with the demon in my soul

And I’m trying

And I’m crying

And I’m screaming

And I burst into tears

for being fool so many years

And I’m smiling

And I think

And I feel truly shy,

through the rivers of the sky

And I wonder how to dive

And I hug you, in the ocean, my river casts out

And I love you…

Δημοσίευση στο stixoi.info: 08-04-2011