ex animo

Δημιουργός: dragonmaster

Εκτύπωση από: http://www.stixoi.info

tell me the story of an angel
and let me sleep in the shadows of the world
the winds blow my hair
but i am here and i hold

withered spirits
lost in the world
what is our life
if we are alone
tell me the story
the story of the fall
so i may cry again
as i am alone

and we paid the price
arrogance cause of fall
and let me sleep
in the broken place
once a kingdom of god
i am alone from the others
as i didnt fall from arrogance but from love
whispers in ears
join us and be as god
but i know the price
i was powerfull as a whole world

tell me a lie
and let me sleep
in the kingdom of my father
i will be as i am from his kin
whithered spirits with chains in their wings
they walk in pain
but no one will know of them never will

Δημοσίευση στο stixoi.info: 23-04-2011