Give me a chance Δημιουργός: evachi για την συμπεριφορα καποιων ατομων προς ατομα που διαφερουν ειτε σωματικα ειτε νοητικα Εκτύπωση από: Sometimes I want to change
want to make myself better..
Give me a chance
to prove you who I really am
I am different from you what does this mean?
Give me a chance to follow my dream
What's wrong with you?
Can't you help me carry out my wish?
I will always trying to be strong and stronger
this life game isn't over
Love and hope is all I need
to make my dreams become real
Will you be here for me when I need you?
Or won't you care?
Just make up your mind...
it's never late
Δημοσίευση στο 26-07-2011 |