Sweet Zeus

Δημιουργός: k13739, Paula

Εκτύπωση από: http://www.stixoi.info

Sans your thunderbolt,
you bestowed on me the morning star
as dawn, crimson, sanguine,
gave birth to feelings unknown,
a different life
across a different ocean
in the rhythm of another season.

You composed harmony on the sand
under the stars’ delirious dance.
Your touch, serene,
melodiously awoke the soul
which, though unyielding yesterday,
glides in dreams today;
dreams unfounded, enticing.

Yes, you’re to blame sweet Zeus,
for that daybreak when fiery, dancing rose-waves
dashed against the velvet shore
and passion released me.

Δημοσίευση στο stixoi.info: 27-07-2011