Into my Vortex

Δημιουργός: Οδυσσέας Παράδοξος., Κάπταιν Φάντασμα.

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Satellites,sensors,the vacuum of space inside a wine bottle,delicate and pleasant smell of mushrooms,excitability...
An Eye inside the Desert,the lonely Big Desert,the eye of the Lizard,the restless Eye...
The spell come to the desert,the wind,the sand dunes,a small fire far away,all magic!
The Eye observes the sky,the long spiral of the galaxy,the star trails,there is a memory,incomprehensible but there is...
Tears drop,colorful lasers,bottles empty but may be not,the human heart burns,burns like hell,incapable of feeling the moment,the beat of the lizard´s heart...

Δημοσίευση στο 17-12-2011