The miracle of evolution

Δημιουργός: __mple__, Constantinos

Εκτύπωση από:

Cuckoo cuckoo
You ordered yourself
Watch close find the weakness
The trendy the rich the ignorant the nice
So you can lay your eggs there
And let him do the hard work
And it feels good that once again you win the game
It feels good to find an easy way out

Cuckoo cuckoo
You smile to the kid
And your eyes shine
As he smiles back
You felt it like home
Like that warm blanket you had
When you were a kid yourself
You felt safe and secure and unthreatened

Cuckoo cuckoo
The clock wakes you up
And your mind got confused
As the truth came above
That you missed the starting gun
Can you start running as you preferred to sit
Can you start giving as you were only asking
And you felt trapped no way out at all

Cuckoo cuckoo
I whisper in your ear
And your eyes silently wept
But your look sweetened and your mind cleared
As i kissed you gently
And as you kissed me back
You realise deep inside in your soul in your heart
The only thing you were fighting all this time
You smile and you accept it you felt relieved
I am not a cuckoo you laughed i am not
And i really want one day to raise my own kid
And being lost in your eyes i smile back

Δημοσίευση στο 11-06-2012