Poetry has no language

Δημιουργός: ierax, = kondor 9104

αμπάρι 37

Εκτύπωση από: http://www.stixoi.info

17/07/2012 - 00:03'

Remember the drifting of your mind,

the serendipity of life,

the wide circles of the hawk,

and the whispering of promise.

Remember when you are your self,

and close it all in a jar of joy,

together and apart,

crumbling against the future,

of all unknown loves.

In pressure and in leisure,

to travel warmer waves,

some ships rely on broken hearts...

But you, continuously regretting,

like a grey smile on the moon,

turning your back to laugh and odds,

crying in a square of a broken festival...

Δημοσίευση στο stixoi.info: 18-07-2012