Winds Of Changes

Δημιουργός: mariaaa_3773

Εκτύπωση από:

Returning back home
Going back to where I belong
Trying to accept all the changes
Being with the ones I love most
And letting go of what they did to me

I'm feeling it
I'm feeling it
The wind of change has come upon me
Oh yeah I can feel it in my blood
The time has come for me to shine
To feel like me again

Going away from all those who hurt me
Who held me back
Who made fun of me
I'm not their toy to play with
I am mine and independent now


Everything is changing in me
I hope you're glad that I'm gone
'Cause I can't be more glad for having you gone from my life
Despising you as you did to me
Now I'm free from your grasp and ready to make a new start (oh yeahh)


Δημοσίευση στο 28-08-2012