coming to this

Δημιουργός: thrasher, θάνος

Εκτύπωση από:

coming to this

realizing that
it was never about pretty chicks
it wasn't just for the ride to be done
not even close to this

coming to this

realizing that
significance lies
from the simple brief talks
up to profound convos

it's for you asking for my thoughts
getting me to an awkward situation,
yet the answer is already known

not about fancy dressing
not about fancy words that veil the truth
no about them, not

it's for your hands holding me tight
while cuddling in the bed
as time slips away

living at this very moment
-maybe it's gone already-
knowing that right after,
this fairytale will come to an end
all fairytales end

the spirit keeps on
and so does the flame,still burning
yet the last chapter is here
we come undone,feel it?

though you're a pretty chick
it was never about the pretty ones

it's your imperfection at some point
that truly matters
or used to

coming to this

realizing that
all those words yearning to be said
never made their way to light

it could be different though,
if every now and then
dare to do so

like 2 little kids are
arguing inside a building that breaks down

as the high hopes come gambling
and the final hour is upon us

Δημοσίευση στο 12-11-2012