I won't lose

Δημιουργός: Νινα

Εκτύπωση από: http://www.stixoi.info

Since the thoughts stopped being pure,
and the dreams went on fire,
the need came, to make sure,
that life is love and love’s desire
for the wicked and unknown,
for the power that consumes,
and if gone will make me stone.
Somebody up there assumes
I will go with the flow.
But only I can tell what’s true.
I pledged to tag along your glow,
‘cause life is love, and love is you.
So simple, yet secretly spoken,
in a world that envies dreams.
With feelings shallow, hopes are broken.
Close their ears to my screams.
Ignore me; that will keep them safe.
Little sheep follow the cattle.
To their eyes I’m odd and waif.
They can’t make me lose this battle.

Δημοσίευση στο stixoi.info: 19-01-2006