
Δημιουργός: Floryn, Florin N.

For my mother and all the mothers in the world!!!

Εκτύπωση από:

My mother is the first woman in my life
Mother is the first human being who took care of me
Mama told me from the first moment "I love you".

And every year, every moment she stood near me
And gave me all the warmth and love that I need
She gave me all the strength to go forward.

Mama, always in mother's arms
I found solace and love, light and truth
All the best and all the hopes.

Mom, even though I grew up
And perhaps days pass, maybe a long time
Without hearing from me an simple but huge and symbolic
I love you.

Perhaps I have not seen you
Perhaps you left too soon
And I regret that I haven't showed or told
Mom, I love you very much.

Mom, I hope wherever you are
Mom, I hope you guard over me
Mom, I hope you forgive me
Mom, I love you.

Δημοσίευση στο 08-03-2013