Day by day

Δημιουργός: LA'I'KOS, Γιανννης

Εκτύπωση από:

Ι am like your flesh
if you pain the pain is less
i share it with you
because i am your flesh is true
if you cry i weep
if you smile i am sweet
let' s dance let's dance
i want to hug you
i want to love you
the day is for us
the night waiting is for us

and day by day
and day by day
i sing in crowd hooray hooray
i clap my hand and god can hear
that i am happy without fear
i am happy because of you
i am happy cause i love you

want to feel again
covered my heart with satin
art the lyrics and the melody and pleasant shock
seeing I am a single string a mock
All times are few and fast passes
The air air leads to you golden heart
led led me to where you want
I will not say in something not
Make my body go up
Filled my heart loneliness
I kept empty space
for your bright face

Δημοσίευση στο 29-06-2013