The (little) old jackass

Δημιουργός: elRomios

Αυτό είναι η μετάφραση τού τραγουδιού "Ο γέρο-γαϊδαράκος" τού Χατζή.

Δέν γνωρίζω πώς αλλοιώς μπορώ νά σάς τό στείλω.


Εκτύπωση από:

The (little) old jackass moans
with a lot of resentment
For they described him as “man”
and this is a huge humiliation

Into his old age
to call him a “man”
How could they say such a word
not having any concern for him

The (little) old jackass moans
with a lot of resentment,
Says he amid his sobs
with a heart-rending voice,

“A man I, am not
and I can prove it
Pass-keys I don’t make
I cannot break and enter

My children I don’t beat
I don’t hate I don’t swindle
I don’t take part in scams
I don’t kill I don’t rob

I do not commit debasing acts
nor sabotage and murders,
Atrocious homicides
I do not violate the law

All these you must think of
For a mistake has been made
I am a genuine jackass
a “man”, I have not become!”

Δημοσίευση στο 31-03-2006