Passing the reality test

Δημιουργός: __mple__, Constantinos

Εκτύπωση από:

Passing the reality test

Consciously force yourself
In a situation you cannot control
Or understand or comprehend
How is going to be
How you gonna behave
How you gonna get through
This you dont know
This you cant control
This you cant comprehend
Make no mistake my friend
You are going to be judged
For sure my friend
Without fear
Without ethics
Without sympathy
Without compassion
Without understanding
Without a reason
Only by what you do
And what you did
And what you will do
Not from your past
Not from your present
Not from your future
But from reality
From now
From causality
Cause and effect
Action and reaction
Always equal and opposite
And always identical
So be aware my friend
In a situation you cant control
In a situation you cant comprehend
But is the only way
To make the words actions
To make the thoughts feelings
In a situation you cant control
In a situation you cant comprehend
Be aware
Be real
Be yourself

Δημοσίευση στο 01-10-2014