why I am drunk

Δημιουργός: wint_rip, Νεόφυτος

Εκτύπωση από: http://www.stixoi.info

I saw her hanging from their lips
I saw her being dragged by their voices
I saw her cry by their lies
I saw her cry.

And thus i hated them
Despised them
I was enraged by them
Black hatred spewed from my tongue
Everytime anything reminded me of them

Till one day we were alone
I remembered,
I remembered that i made her cry
I remembered that i hated my self
I remembered that i was the most hated.
By me.

She no longer sees me sober
For if i am not drunk when we meet
I will scream, i will kneel
I will begg for her forgiveness
Maybe she'll never give it to me
Maybe she allready has

She only sees me drunk
For when i am drunk i cannot remember
Of what i've done to her
All i see is that smile carving
Her beautiful mouth
All i see is her straight black hair fall
Down her delicate neck
All i feel is

Δημοσίευση στο stixoi.info: 05-01-2015