Love is only an illusion

Δημιουργός: DoSMaN, Δημήτρης

4η προσπάθεια για αγγλικούς στίχους... Η αλήθεια είναι ότι όσο περισσότερο το διαβάζω μου αρέσει ακόμα πιο πολύ!!!

Εκτύπωση από:

I wake up in the morning
Having still this feeling
The sweetness of your lips
Wonder if this was a dream.

All day i was thinking
The time i was spend with you
The warm hugs and the kisses
To make love with you.

I was wait until is night
To go again to bed
To see you in my dreams
Cause it's the only that has left.

[I]Love is only an illusion
You feel it only in your dreams
The real thing is all over
But the dream still exists

You can make anything you'd like
You can't do something wrong
There isn't end to feelings
There is only one to love.[/I]

The next day i woke up
I was working all the day
I had a bad feeling inside me
I couldn't hide it away.

I don't know your name
I know nothing about you
The truth is that i'm waiting
the night to dreamt of you.

[I]Love is only an illusion
You feel it only in your dreams
The real thing is all over
But the dream still exists

You can make anything you'd like
You can't do something wrong
There isn't end to feelings
There is only one to love.[/I]

Love is only an illusion
But it will fade eventually
The reality will stay
And the dream will fade away...

Δημοσίευση στο 24-06-2016