Liberation Δημιουργός: Michelangelo, Μιχάλης/Άγγελος To the renegades of my time Εκτύπωση από: I wrote my first poem here 9 years ago, on 2007. I was still a high school kid so full of inspiration. I wrote many, many things, and met wonderful people that I am still in touch with to this very day.
I use to write a lot, I don't anymore. I can't even express my self in greeks anymore. I want it to share this with this beautiful community that will always be in my heart! :)
Time is like a river
now rivers can flow, or crash
but only in one diraction
I see this river
so far from where I used
a feeling so new to me
a feeling so mortifying
Of course time is endless
but not for us
just like the river
our time has a beginning
and an end
Sometimes I feel like
I have been on many rivers
many times
Some times I feel new
And it is so scary to think
of how many things we pass by
and verbally touch
cause the river
is so fast
Some times we get a glimpse of trees
were behind endless forests spread
But thats how time flows
And I believe my river hasn't even reach its middle
but still I can be melancholic
that inspires me
Time and rivers
silly me.
Δημοσίευση στο 20-10-2016 |