Underneath the glow

Δημιουργός: Μαυροδάφνη

Εκτύπωση από: http://www.stixoi.info

Skin in the color of caramel. His hair, thousands of infinitesimal curls, cut too short to thrive. Fine facial features. And eyes... oh, eyes, the most amazing of all, light green eyes like newborn leaves! A great example of the miracle that can occur when two human beings of two totally different races decide to mix.

Basketball player in one of the biggest and most famous teams in Greece. Not at all tall for a basketball player, but extremely fast, he runs like a tiny insect among the slow giants around him and throws the ball straight in the basket in the glimpse of an eye. He's the ultimate starboy - and he knows it. And she... she's got his phone number and whatsapp in her smartphone.

"What are you up to?", he texts her.
"I'm getting ready to go out for the Saturday night... in that club in Gazi... have you ever been there?"
"I'll be there. I've booked a table."

In the club her friend is thrilled. "I saw him! Oh my God, he's gorgeous! Go, talk to him!". She looks up at the VIP corner bewildered - he's among some other guys of his team. "I don't know...". "Are you stupid??". "Who am I to go talk to the miracle of nature", she wonders silently. But it's not only this. That enviable spot of the club where he stands seems to her suddenly like the wolf's mouth. All "teeth" in there appear ready to smash the two pretty young ladies like tender, tasty meat if they dare to enter it. "I can't... I don't even know him! We've chatted only a few times after we liked each other's picture in that app... what if he doesn't like me in person?". But now she's discovered. Some of the athletes nod to her "Come!". And so she does - what else could she do?...

The starboy tells her to wait for him for a while - his teammates grab the opportunity to surround her. Especially an annoying short one - handball player - doesn't lose a second to lay his hands on her waist, while he keeps repeating "Don't be scared, I'm not doing any nonsense!". She's not scared, she's furious - how dare you, you rude little brat, invade my personal space like that? Hit it off! NOW! She mentions that she knows martial arts, he claims that he's an expert in MMA. "So, you're gonna hit me?", she asks him with fake, sarcastic innocence. "No", he replies confused - damn, she's too big for him, she doesn't take such jokes. She leaves, disgusted.

The handsome mulatto athlete is the highlight of the night, dancing in the most central spot of the club, next to the DJs, even putting some music himself and breaking dozens of hearts at the same time with his leafy-green, magical eyes. "Ha!", she thinks, almost amused now by the hilarious scene she experienced some minutes ago. But her friend is displeased. Damn, they should be now up in the VIP corner, dancing with the famous athletes and making the whole female population of the club explode in jealousy! The starboy texts her on whatsapp to go back up, reassuring her that "they will talk", he later even comes in person to ask her that favor. She scorns him with her eyes - haha, need a new toy, boy? Toy to play... toy to share, maybe? Sorry, NOT INTERESTED! But now her friend gets more and more bored, they're more and more squeezed by the crowd, one of their beers commits suicide... After a while she makes up her mind - she cannot stand any longer the miserable face of her girlfriend, so for her sake and only allows the long hand of a basketball player to pull her back to the VIP spot. Her friend follows, full of excitement, falling instantly in the arms of a tall guy and starting to dance passionately with him in an outburst of joy. The short jerk approaches her again, now she slaughters him with her glance - "GO-AWAY!" - and at the same time she declines the whole team's persistent offers to "have a drink". The dwarf, intoxicated to the bone, keeps calling her "re malaka" - "I'm not a malaka!", she makes clear and sits on the VIP's cough, straightforward, lonesome, unapproachable, her height and weight now bigger than all of theirs together. The starboy appears and asks her finally to dance - she refuses steadily, only to derive a great pleasure from his ultimately puzzled look. ("Wait... she just said she doesn't want to dance with ME??"). He sits by her side like a wounded puppy now. "Are you angry?", he asks. "No, I'm not", she says calmly. "Ok... please hold my drink for a while, I need to go to the bathroom...", he utters and he leaves once more, while his short teammate keeps making his now consciously hopeless efforts to woo her and her girlfriend keeps dancing with her basketballer lost in her bliss.

When the little sleazy guy touches her hand again, a black intimidating giant comes to her rescue. He slaps the brat's audacious small hand reprimanding him with his strong, serious eyes. He's older than the others, very manly, not exactly handsome but there's certainly something noble about him. A kind-hearted beast - she thanks him silently by touching her chest. The scene between them reminds her now that cartoon movie, "Beauty and the Beast" - they're suddenly Mrs and Mr Dignified among the boorish, drunk villagers. She wishes now secretly him to stay a little longer with her, or to grab her abruptly suggesting something like "Let's go out of here, shall we?". It would have been a moment similar to a sappy Hollywood romance-scene - but life, unfortunately, rarely immitates such films, so the gentle giant goes away, as robust as a walking rock, lost in the restrictive glow of his i-phone. There's a high chance he texts his girlfriend.

Some hours later, early in the morning, she gets ready to rest in her comfy bed. She doesn't feel sad or disappointed at all. Her friend had the time of her life and she an intriguing night for sure. It was a mysterious relief the realization that she's now that able to discern underneath the celebrities' superficial glow their true, petty nature. People drunk in their deceiving success, unable to feel respect or appreciation for anyboby else except for themselves... or not even for themselves! That look in the starboy's face when she rejected him... well, that she shall remember with amusement for the rest of her life!

But that night-day-to-be holds even more surprises for her. Her smartphone all of a sudden rings... and it's a call from him, from every girl's nocturnal emission, from the miracle of nature. She replies the call baffled.

"Where are you?" - his heavy, low-pitched voice.
"Come to where I am!"
Wow! Is that an order now?
"NO!", she says.
"Sorry, I don't feel like it! Bye!"

And her brain is suddenly filled with cute, smiley demons - a delightful company. She high-fives them all, one by one, before she finally falls asleep.

Δημοσίευση στο stixoi.info: 25-11-2016