The witch

Δημιουργός: sirena, Αντιγόνη

Apo ta proswpika mou agapimena - kylise apo ta daxtyla mou, lexi lexi...

Εκτύπωση από:

I was a Witch once, or so they called me
All those who dared look in my eyes
And challenge me, or so they thought.
In amusement I studied them,
Those efforts to impress me
A smile, a stare, a bold attack,
Sometimes clumsy and entertaining
Or rarely worthy of another glance
There's been a few I chose to touch
To probe within them and explore
Alone in dreams of love and want
I searched the face of my one Knight
Never aiming to bewitch or fool
Yet my rejection to give in
Would often make me stand accused
I wore my powers well disguised
As if provoking their unveiling
Some saw behind the mask; one, two?
But failed to open my soul's gates
The creature in me always caged
Longing to find the true Keymaster
I walked, I danced and spread my love
Always getting what I wanted
Only to realize II didn't
The Witch in me slowly withdrew
Leaving a sparkle in my eyes
My lips she tinted with passion's drops
And gave me grace and intuition
Seasons changed and time moved on
My land I changed and found new people
Fresh life I gave, to call my own
Promises, vows and plans for future
The Witch within me slept aglow
Her breathing reminder of my fantasies
She often whispered "you want more"
I listened and my spirit trembled
Everwanting to offer my all
But never finding he who'd claim it
I kept me closed behind high walls
Choosing to linger in constant yearning.
It was a night like any other
I found my way inside the woods
Peacefully walking in the silence
Absorbing nature's silver gloom
You leaped before me, out of nowhere
And in your eyes I saw the calling
A man disguised in lone wolf's form
Not one word spoken, all was thought
Eyes locked, shields raised and sudden thunder
A silent battle fought with verve
Reconnaissance, defense, exploration
The wind was howling somewhere near
And then the darkness came to life
A Witch again I stood to face you
With daring eyes I kneeled before you
Extending my hand as you drew near
I touched you, drawing in your vigor
Letting it flow inside my veins
My eyes I closed and let you in me
Allowing the sharing of our souls
From that night on we were as one
I kept you in me as my own
I hear your howling every night
My midnight whisper then responds
I was a Witch once,
Or so they called me
All those who dared look in my eyes
But only one has really seen me
And he's the One that seized my all.

Δημοσίευση στο 13-07-2006