Lost Δημιουργός: Μ.Ελμύρας Από :Την ' Άλη '. Καλό βράδυ σε 'ολες και όλους . Εκτύπωση από: http://www.stixoi.info Lost.
Joyfully we came, brother,
to the old trail of time,
happily planting another
tree.. for world’s wood on fire.
Walk in a mist of nothingness,
smoke that darkens the day
and seek for cast away
dreams.. rainbows of happiness.
But a magical rain is falling
and rivers sing of the past:
-Your dreams others are calling
to live..no matter if dust..
So, my brother, though lost all walk,
for lost looking cities of Sundays,
don’t cry, don’t cry! don’t talk!
For in the rim of the days,
caressing breeze and sun rays
amaze at the face
of milk sucking babes.-
Δημοσίευση στο stixoi.info: 20-08-2018 | |