Imprisoned to hell

Δημιουργός: MASTER

Εκτύπωση από:

Beyond the scarlet ocean
there is a hidden frightful place;
the place to which I belong,
the place where the dark prevails.

Beyond the boundless dessert
the one made of dust and heat
where there is sand without sea
there is a place that looks like it.

Imprisoned to hell…

The people around are looking abashed.
They wouldn’t know they are made of dust.
They didn’t know they would suffer the pain.
Through the tortures they are becoming insane.

Imprisoned to hell…

You are asking how I know.
From all I say that’s the best part.
I know and telling you all that
coz I’m known as the grate hell’s guard.

No matter how you try
You can’t avoid meeting your fate.
Me and Cerberus will welcome you
coz sometime you will pass the gate.

September 2003, Thessaloniki

Δημοσίευση στο 31-07-2006