Immured dreams

Δημιουργός: Michelangelo, Μιχάλης/Άγγελος

Η ευτυχία της ψυχής με βασανίζει!!!

Εκτύπωση από:

Keep walking on
hit on the floor
and forget the reason
that made you cry.

Keep trying on
through the storm
all the fears and
put them to test.

Kill the beast
inside your heart
while all this years
makes you feel bad.
Keep walking on
Keep walking on
Keep walking on
close the door...

Keep moving on
from the darkness
of your mind
to the light.

Keep working on
all the feeling
thats immured you
all this years.

Kill the beast
inside your heart
while all this years
makes you feel bad.
Keep walking on
Keep walking on
Keep walking on
close the door...

Δημοσίευση στο 19-10-2007