too good to be true

Δημιουργός: misty, gm

Εκτύπωση από:

?The fountain's music in my lungs
For once again i touched your arms
Your angel's voice - my butterflies
and i could never feel the same at once
?You're blessed, my dear, with all the gifts
and i shall never be your dreams
You are too good for me for sure
That makes me love you more and more
?My dear, you earned the words of God
and you shall follow His own path
I wished to do the same as you
but never had the chance to know the truth
?It's not too late for me; shall i
become the daughter of the Sun?
?Admiring you will never hurt
in any ways my heart is broken
and all the words are meant unspoken
and you shall never know the truth
-You'll never know my love for you..[align=center]

Δημοσίευση στο 20-12-2007