In Loving Memory

Δημιουργός: pen_man

When you lose a loved one you hurt, but when you lose a part of your own self, you slowly die.

Εκτύπωση από:

Remember him when he laughed with joy,
He was the light of your life, your little boy.
Remember when he hurt and cried,
You were there to comfort, and his tears you dried.

Now he's gone, but not forever,
Your little boy awaits the day you'll be together.
Don't cry because he's left you alone,
Where he's gone, it's finally home.

He's not unhappy or even sad,
Because he's home and he's very glad.
Where he is, there's life and light,
His broken body is mended, his future bright.

When you meet, and into your embrace he'll walk,
You'll hug and kiss and then you'll talk
About how you grieved and wished he was near,
Then you'll remember you're with him here.

All you have are memories to keep you sane,
Don't let his memory, his life go in vain.
Remember him as he was before he died,
Just remember the doors of heaven are always open wide.

Δημοσίευση στο 10-01-2008