A Memory

Δημιουργός: pen_man

Don't let regrets of yesterday destroy all of the tomorows

Εκτύπωση από: http://www.stixoi.info

The memory of you
Still so very strong.
The sweetness of your kiss
Still lingers on.
You needed me
To heal your wounds which bled.
And I,
Offered myself to you instead.
Hours passed
And still we embraced.
Hours of passion
On each other we graced.
Fantasies were lived
In an erotic way.
But when the new day dawned
We had nothing to say.
We pass each other
Avoiding that night.
I know we must speak
But you've taken flight.
I feel your anguish
I know you're scared.
But i deserve much more
After what we've shared.

Δημοσίευση στο stixoi.info: 27-01-2008